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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Easy Calorie Counting.(calorie counters)

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Finding an easy way to count your calories when you are dieting can prove to be the one thing that helps you to finally lose weight. There are tools and devices that are available to help you out with this task. Find out the benefits to successful calorie counting and the methods that you can employ.

When you are trying to lose weight you will want to find the most effective and efficient approach to weight loss. There is no magic solution to losing weight. It is simply taking in fewer calories than it takes to maintain your current weight. You can add to that reduction through exercise for even quicker weight loss, but if you simply cut your calories you will begin to see a weight loss. The use of a calorie counter is an effective way to keep track of your daily calorie intake.

Sometimes we eat foods throughout the day without any regard to their calorie or nutritional value. These are the foods that we eat quickly without thinking about them. The quick couple of pieces of candy that we find on our coworkers desk or the handful of chips that we grab when we walk in the door at the end of the day. These small items can add up to a great many additional calories that will thwart your weight loss goals. When you use a calorie counter to determine the calories in every food that you eat, you are more likely to pay attention to those quick little snacks.

There are some great handheld calorie counter devices that will greatly assist you in your efforts to lose weight. You will be able to quickly check out the caloric content of any food you choose to eat and know instantly if it is something you wish to eat. Most of these handheld calorie counters have a large database of foods already stored in them. You will be able to check your calorie content of the foods in the device as well as add some of your favorite items so that they are stored in the handheld calorie counter memory. You are also able to track your water intake and other items that you might like to keep track of.

Technology has made it easier than ever to keep track of the calories you eat throughout the day allowing you to stick to your diet plan. If you are trying to lose weight you can try one of these calorie counter devices to help you on your plan. Keeping track of calories is a proven way to lose weight and to maintain your current weight. Make sure you watch the kinds of food you are eating, get plenty of exercise, drink lots of water and keep track of your calories with a handheld calorie counter and you are sure to find success.

For your success in dieting check out our website for a selection of calorie counting devices and methods. We offer all the assistance a dieter could need to be successful in their dieting endeavor. The right tool like our handheld calorie counter is essential for a positive weight loss result.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Calorie Counter and Why You Should Not Trust Them.(calorie counters)

calorie counters

Calorie counters are used in nearly all aerobic equipments, from treadmills to elliptical trainers. Infact there are even calorie counter that give you the calories you burn when you jog. Unfortunately these gadgets are rarely trustworthy. And if you are not careful they can be a source of frustration.

Exercising to lose weight as it is for most people is already difficult. Few have a natural motivation to keep fit. The last thing you want is a gadget that will give you false hope.

Studies show that most calories counters will over shoot your calorie expenditure by as much as 30%. With many individuals posting calorie burns of above 400 calories per session, it means that an extra 120 calories were falsely calibrated as burnt. This can translate to a deception that you have burnt up to one pound of fat in a month just by using your elliptical trainer.

Obliviously if you are using sound tracking methods like body fat percentage, you will notice the inconsistencies. But for those stuck with the bathroom scale, a more ineffective method of tracking your weight loss, the numbers will just never add up. Your counter will be telling you, "You are losing" while the bathroom scale looks like it is stuck on the same numbers since you started losing weight 6 months ago.

It is important to know that all commercial calorie counters estimate amount of calorie used in a particular activity.

The better ones require you to enter your weight, height, sex and age to better approximate the amount of calories burnt. In particular treadmills are known to be more representative of actual calories burnt. They have been around longer and their formula and calibrations are more established. On the other hand elliptical trainers and stair climbing machines are not that accurate.

Since in exercising for weight loss you are looking to burn fat, estimating how much fat is burnt is really complicated. This adds to the complexity in using calorie counter to determine amount of fat burnt in an exercise routine.

To be able to accurately determine the amount of calories expended from body fat you need to take into consideration the amount of oxygen breathed during the activity. Fat burning to produce energy is only possible in the presence of oxygen.

Machines approximate this by notifying you of a "fat burning" zone where it is approximated most of the energy for the activity is being supplied from body fat.

In reality, you use about 160-200 calories per session; above your regular calorie use (Resting Metabolic Rate). What most machines do is they show the total approximate calorie burnt including RMR, not to mention the inherent 30% error.

This does not mean you do not track your calories though, just adjust them appropriately.

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Calorie Counter.(calorie counters)

calorie counters

If you are thinking of creating a weight loss plan that probably means you would like to lose weight. Great – that’s the first step: deciding that weight loss is important to you. But before you begin, ask yourself a few more questions about a weight loss plan. How much do you want to lose – just a few pounds or many pounds? Why do you want to lose weight – for health reasons, to improve your appearance, or both? Understanding your motivations for weight loss will help you create a plan that’s right for you based on your needs. This is because real weight loss is an element of an overall healthy and long-term way of living: a permanent lifestyle change.

When you look at a weight loss plan based on understanding your own needs and motivations, you can create a plan that’s tailored to your goals. Once you have this understanding, your plan is more likely to be successful. Set realistic goals for weight loss that include healthy and moderate weight loss over a long period of time – don’t aim for too much weight loss too quickly. Effective weight loss involves realistic weight reduction goals lost slowly but consistently. After you have established your needs and goals, start to develop a concrete plan for weight loss. Successful weight loss plans that last over the long-term tend to share two other common characteristics: healthy eating patterns and regular exercise. Assess your eating habits. Do you eat healthy, nutritious foods in the right portion sizes? You can use a calorie counter to lookup nutrition information on foods including foods from restaurants and fast foods places. Calorie counting is an important element of a healthy diet. Learning how many calories you need is an important part of successful weight loss. If figuring out the number of calories seems like a hassle, use a calorie counter. Efficient and portable, calorie counters provide data on thousands of different foods – whether you are at home or on the go. Calorie counters provide accurate nutrition information for the serving size that you choose.

Exercise is an equally important component of a weight loss plan. Exercise burns calories and improves your health. In addition to showing you the number of calories in your foods, calorie counters can show you how many calories you burn during exercise. Possessing this information, you’ll be a step ahead in your weight loss plan.

Do not fall for short-term gimmicks. A happy healthy body is yours if you follow a steady consistent weight loss plan.

Coheso, Inc. ( makes handheld devices and other products for diabetes management and weight loss. CalorieSmart is a handheld calorie counter helps people tailor their weight loss plan. More information about CalorieSmart can be found at

Track3 is a small customizable handheld carb and calorie counter that helps individuals self-manage their diabetes. Information about Track3 is at

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